First Farmstead

This, we believe may have been the first inhabited building on site. However, it was a veritable ivy hulk before we got our hands onto it …literally. In 2011, the slow, tortuous ivy removal from the First Farmstead began … removing the weighty branches, then spraying the roots with weedkiller … again and again … to remove dead ivy cumulatively, reducing the chance of disturbing the lime joints that held the surviving stone structure together …
And the cottage began to emerge … and then we thought … make it an outdoor exhibition centre ...
With the help of a skilled stonemason, we determined to save the stonework we could and stabilise what we couldn’t. Evidence of earlier concrete repairs and a full concrete gable end emerged from beneath the ivy and provides evidence that this cottage had been in trouble before. This too is a part of its story.
And ... what a great exhibition space it makes ...

But, most importantly, we had learned that this cottage pre-dated the other buildings - used perhaps whilst the main house was being constructed, and thereafter as a labourer’s cottage.
Another part of the story weave … uncovered … and now, re-used ...
We are grateful to Wicklow Rural Partnership for the grant provided. It assisted us to have an idea, follow it through … and to add to an emerging tapestry that reveals a history of resourceful, committed and hardworking people - who made buildings, a working farm, a family and a life here - who pursued their dream to become ‘Friends’ and to form a strong community.
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Contact Info
Phone: +353 86 1734560
Address: Ballymurrin Quaker Farmstead, Ballymurrin Lower, Kilbride, Wicklow A67 PX56, Ireland